Illuminate number
Illuminate number

illuminate number

illuminate number

The number 7 is a very symbolic number to the ancients in many ways, not only because its the 4th prime number, but also because “ 3+ 4” = 7, with the number 4 representing the square on the Pyramid, and the number 3 representing the triangle on the Pyramid, as seen above. The significance of this number should be more obvious given that we divide each week into 7 days, and the Jewish story of creation is that YHWH created the world in 7 days. Now that you know the significance of the number 4, lets move on to the number 7. The number 4 also most importantly represents the “ Tetragrammaton“, which is the four-letter name of God in Hebrew. Mathematics also has 4 base operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The base of a pyramid is square, with 4 triangular sides. Starting with the number 4, this number represents the square with 4 sides. I will do a separate post about the significance of the numbers 74 and 47, but for now I want to show you the importance of the numbers 4 and 7 to the ancients. Notice also that 7 is the 4th prime number. Not only did they know this, but they also knew that the sum of the first 4 prime numbers is 17, meaning that “2+3+5+7” = 17. The reason I want you to know prime numbers were an ancient discovery of these old civilizations is because I want you to know that THEY KNEW that the 7th prime number is 17. Given the significant trade of knowledge and items from Sumeria to Egypt, I’m guessing that they were discovered first in Mesopotamia and then spread to Egypt and elsewhere (along with much other knowledge as well). We have physical evidence that the ancient Egyptians knew about prime numbers from the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, but it was possibly a much older discovery, as evidenced by the Ishango bone, as well as the highly advanced Sumerian numerology system. The prime numbers would have been very obvious to the ancients, as all four base math operations were being used by them, so all it would take is dividing the first couple of numbers to discover the primes. It is also important to remember that one is said to NOT be prime, and counting it as such will mess up the order. Here is a list of the first eight prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. For those who don’t know, a prime number is a number that does NOT DIVIDE into any number other than itself and one. I want to start by defining the term prime number. I will try to cover as much as possible in one post, but this may be split into multiple parts for readability.įirst, I will show you the significance of the number 17 to mathematics.


In this post you will learn the significance of the number 17 within subjects such as mathematics, language/literature, religion, architecture, secret societies, government, and entertainment such as music, movies and TV shows.

Illuminate number